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Some public comments on Daniel Craig's latest role in James Bond

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The last James Bond film series starring Daniel Craig - no time to die, was finally released. We collected some audience comments on the film - "perfect to draw crowds back to the big screen".


I thought this film was enough to end Craig's career as James Bond. He paid a perfect tribute to the role of the bond. At the same time, it is also a well-produced classic British film. I fell asleep when watching movies because we didn't think those movies were logical. But this movie - I watched it at midnight, and I hardly blinked, let alone fell asleep. I believe bond, played by Daniel Craig, has a disarming character and acting skills - I will miss him.


This is the fourth time I've been to a movie since covid-19. I think I'm lucky - I can go to the regular local cinema now, and it won't make me feel crowded. Otherwise, I may lose my interest in watching movies. I think this James Bond film can also attract the audience to the cinema during the flu outbreak - it's perfect. Debi Bose, 51, lawyer, London



Many viewers praised the film's storyline and smooth fighting scenes. They think the James Bond film series is very moving - 'really emotional.'


We were lucky to attend the film premiere at the Royal Albert Hall - I'm honoured, it's great. The film felt like a big ending at the beginning - it was indeed the last James Bond film starring Daniel Craig. I like it very much. I like James Bond. Anna de AMAS plays a significant role. It's also a very moving film - James Bond shared his journey with us. I'm sorry to see him leave. Alex Strang, 48, Buckinghamshire

Reference list

Guardian readers & Rachel., O, 2021, What did you think? Readers review No Time to Die and the big-screen experience, 30th September. [Online] Available at: [accessed 22nd November]

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